4 Feng Shui Principles I'm Loving Right Now
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4 Feng Shui Principles I'm Loving Right Now

Your girl can't say no to tips that help increase positive energy and abundance in her life, especially if it helps balance her cycle and energy centers with all the good feels. I want to talk to you today about something I've been learning and practicing lately (and am mildly obsessed with!): feng shui.

Feng shui is a Chinese practice to create more harmony within yourself and life based on your external environment.

In simpler terms - happiness and positivity stem from how the elements of your life and work are set up. Feng shui is also believed to have the power to attract more abundance in whatever ways you seek - career, relationships, financial prosperity, etc.

For example, have you ever walked into a room that just didn't feel right? Or it felt so cluttered, it was noticeably harder to breathe? What about not tackling a project and procrastinating it for weeks even though you know it'll make you feel better?

As women, our environments greatly impact our energy, mood, and stress levels. And if you've ever felt tension in your mind and resistance in achieving your goals, feng shui may be your jam too!

Ever since Dylan was born, life is feeling chaotic (naturally). Maybe it's a lack of sleep. Maybe it was becoming a parent for the first time and having so many new things to learn. Or maybe the tension was the Universe telling me a lot needed to change in order to find new balance as a family of three.

Starting this motherhood chapter, I felt I was being called to grow into yet another version of myself, so I started seeking new ways to learn and grow. If you want to follow along in real-time, I document my journey on Instagram.

One of the practices I've been getting into is feng shui.

I dabbled in it a few years ago, but the most I did was organize my wallet (having all my bills facing the same way and clear out clutter) and avoid buying a home with the staircase right in front of the front door (your house will turn into a money pit, and you'll see a lot of money unnecessarily go out the door). Check and check.

But this time around is different.

I'm using feng shui as a new practice to help me clear out stagnant energy that no longer serves me. It's believed that when energy can flow freely in your spaces and within you, it helps clear out bad energy. Magically, everything is in order, and your life just clicks.

That's what we all want right? Right.

When we enter new phases of our life, we need to take the time and space to clear out what we don't want to keep carrying with us. It can be your emotions, old mindset beliefs, relationships, clutter in your home or items you no longer need, etc. Taking time to do this work opens you to stepping more fully into that next phase. You breathe easier and can attract more abundance in your career, home, and relationships.

Below I'm sharing four feng shui principles I'm loving right now. Some are simple and easy to implement. Others require a lot more work... like #4 where I've had one project on my list for months and finally just tackled it!

Here are 4 feng shui principles I'm loving:

1.Send gifts in red envelopes

I learned the top three of these feng shui tips from Dana Claudet (went down the YouTube rabbit hole 😊) and absolutely LOVED this idea of using red envelopes!

It's believed if you send financial gifts to others in red envelopes, it will clear any negative energy attached to it and amplify the abundance to you and the receiver. Dana teaches how to use modern red envelopes to increase prosperity by sending your rent this way and notes to family and friends telling them how much they mean to you. With 2020 behind us, snail mail is still popular!

To test this out, one of my girlfriends recently got a huge promotion at work. I love celebrating my girlfriend's achievements as if they were my own and wanted to send her a little something to treat herself with. She's worked so hard in her career and deserved something special!

So I bought a card, some red envelopes and a gift certificate for a massage, as you can see here from my Insta stories:

Then I wrote out a message of how proud of I was of her and how much I admire her ability to continually take action on her dreams. I also mentioned the belief behind red envelopes knowing she would love this idea too!

2. Keep the toilet seat down

This one seems so simple! Yet I didn't realize how much I didn't put the top lid down until trying to be mindful of it...

It's believed that all the good energy you're bringing into your life and home goes down the drain if left open. To keep your spaces and energy lifted, simply put the toilet seat down to stop it from leaving your home.

3. Wash your mirrors

For all the mirrors in your home, take an extra minute each week to wipe them down. It's believed that with a clear mirror, you can have a clear perspective. You can think more clearly and are better able to direct your life.

I've applied this principle for Dylan too 😊

4. Tidy up loose ends

We all have those tasks on our to-do list or projects in our home that just never get completed. It's either too long of a project or something else comes up.

Something I'm really trying to get better on is tying up loose ends - at home and at work. This has been the hardest because of how much time it can take.

It's believed that when you have a lot of odd projects, it energetically weighs you down and doesn't allow energy or abundance to flow as freely in and out of your life. You can feel this stagnant energy every time you think of the home décor project you haven't gotten to yet but are reminded of every time you walk into the room. Or there's a mountain of photos in your download folder on your computer you haven't filed away yet... (this is me!).

Whatever the projects are for you, taking the time to complete them will bring more positive energy into your life. You'll also be more in the groove with your day to day activities so life flows easier.

For months, I had it on my list to clean up my digital life - from the downloads folder on my computer, to saving old photos and videos on my phone elsewhere, unfollow social media accounts that don't bring me joy - the list goes on. It's been such a big project that I've avoided it... for months. Knowing how much it weighs me down every time I open my phone or tackle a new work project, I've started tackling it slowly.

Yesterday I went through all the photos on my phone and ordered a bunch of prints through Shutterfly so I can update the photos framed on the walls and create physical memory keepsakes (I still love flipping through photo albums!).

Tackling just a small piece of this project was liberating! My next step is to reorganize these photos on my laptop into different folders and back them up so I have them forever. The last step will be clearing them off my phone.

What about you? Are you into feng shui and have some additional tips to share? Or are you excited to get into it and try these out in your life?

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