Bombshell Diaries: How To Stop People Pleasing With Lisa Michaud
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Bombshell Diaries: How To Stop People Pleasing With Lisa Michaud

"What do you want for dinner?" Lisa's friend asked.

"I'd really like tacos, " Lisa thought. What she actually said, "oh, it doesn't matter, whatever you want."

Do you find yourself making small choices like this in your every day life? Where you sacrifice speaking up for what you truly want because you don't want to upset or take away from the other person? Or fear they'll stop liking you?

Lisa Michaud, a success coach and speaker, opens up in the Bombshell Diaries about her path with people pleasing and just how she's been using cycle syncing to notice her habits.

In our conversation, which you can watch here, Lisa opens up about how people pleasing was hindering her from upleveling in life and business.

She first realized it was a problem when she found herself crippled with fatigue and exhaustion right before her period. She felt like she had been so giving of herself - to her daughter, husband, business, and life - and realized all month long, she was not taking the rest SHE needed.

Lisa is a mom, successful business owner, and high achiever. Her life is full and moving ahead in all areas - just how do you find that perfect balance?

  • how women start people pleasing when we're little girls and how it shows up when we're adults.

  • how Lisa pinpointed the exact day, every month, when she'd begin to doubt herself.

  • the HUGE mental shift she made to gain more energy and kick hormonal acne breakouts - without changing her food or lifestyle - in just one cycle!

Before we met, Lisa thought cycle syncing was just one more thing she'd have to learn, yet would never find the time for.

She's just begun her journey and now says, "I don't have the time to NOT learn this stuff. It's helped me really tune into myself. In just a few weeks, with a few mental shifts, it's been life changing."

Find Lisa online:

She hangs out her GOALden Girls Mastermind here.

Say hi on Instagram and Facebook.

Learn more about her on her website.

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